Von der Heyden Group, a high-quality niche player on the European Real Estate Market, has announced new appointments in line with the further expansion of the Group and consolidation of central operations in Malta.
Bob Rottinghuis, will assume the role of Group Chief Executive Officer. Having dedicated 10 years as a consultant to the Group before taking on his role as Chief Operating Officer in 2016, Mr Rottinghuis was fundamental in configuring the successful 25-million-euro bond issued in Malta in 2017. In addition, Tonio Fenech, former Finance Minister of Malta until 2013, will join the Management Board of TIMAN Investments Holdings. Mr Fenech was responsible with his fellow cabinet members, for Malta’s successful economic development during his ten-year tenure and laying the grounds for today’s economic unprecedented boom. Both appointments came into effect on 1st January 2019.
Bob Rottinghuis Tonio Fenech
The new appointments will enable Group Chairman Sven von der Heyden and Javier Errejón Sainz de la Maza as Managing Director to concentrate on further enhancing its four pillars of business, expanding them into new markets and seizing new opportunities.
The year 2019 marks the Von der Heyden Group’s 30-year anniversary in Europe.
Von der Heyden Group Chairman, Sven von der Heyden: ‘We look back on three incredible decades with many landmark projects which have led us to where we are today, starting from zero back in 1989. We are very proud to have a team of almost 400 people who contribute at all levels to the continuing success of our Group in our real estate investments and developments, our hotel group IBB Hotel Collection as well as in our alternative investments’
In December 2018, the Group has moved its corporate offices from Valletta to a new state of the art office in the 14 East tower building in Gzira, Malta.
About the Von der Heyden Group
Von der Heyden Group (VDHG) is a high-quality niche player on the European Real Estate Market and has been successfully developing Class A Office buildings and Hotels in central and strategic locations in Malta, Germany, Poland and Spain.
The Group is commonly known for its high-end finishes and quality, and at all times achieved record prices for its award-winning projects, when sold.
In March 2017, the Group, through its special purpose vehicle Von der Heyden Group Finance plc, has issued a €25 million bond which is listed on the Malta Stock Exchange. It was the most traded bond in terms of number of transactions during the year 2018.
The Von der Heyden Group is undergoing the finalization of Munich’s largest development project Bavaria Towers, having recently signed various 10 year lease contracts for the state of the art project with a total investment value of €180 million. In addition, VDHG has completed the hotel IBB Dlugi Targ in Gdansk, Poland – another hotel for the IBB Hotel Collection which has been highly successful since its launch. Furthermore in Poznan, Poland, the Group is planning the Andersia Silver project for around Euro 110 million, which however will only be tackled in a more favourable environment.
With 30 years sound experience and continuing presence on European markets, VDHG enjoys the trust of international financial institutions, funds and big market players, as well as embassies, governmental institutions and cities. The Von der Heyden Group, have since 1989 recorded an investment program, impending acquisitions and developments with a value of over half a billion euro.
In 2019, the Group plans to invest in Ukraine and the Maldives, although the due diligence phase is still ongoing.