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Bavaria Towers

In 2006 Von der Heyden Group purchased three functional office and warehouse buildings in the top strategic location in Munich, on the border to Bogenhausen and Steinhausen, at the beginning of the highway A94, providing access to the Munich Fair, with the aim to change the master plan of the city.

Today, Bavaria Towers is Munich’s most forward-looking real-estate development, looks set to redefine the east of the city and create a striking new gateway to the Bogenhausen district. Ideally located, the building ensemble is comprised of four spectacular high-rises with inclined roofs and gently curved forms, which make a striking addition to the Munich skyline. The mix of three office towers and a hotel offer the perfect environment for discerning companies looking for stunning architecture, premium fixtures and fittings, and a high-end look and feel – with a first-rate infrastructure to boot.

Covering a total area of approx. 23,000 square metres, the plot is the property of Bogenhausener Tor Immobilien GmbH, jointly owned by the Von der Heyden Group and an institutional investor. The Munich-based development company Bayern Projekt GmbH was tasked with project development and representing the interests of the owners. 

The Bavaria Towers building complex is designed by star duo from Madrid, Nieto Sobejano Arquitectos and consists of the Blue Tower (72.3m high, 24,347sqm, 300 parking spaces), White Tower (53.6m high, 15.150sqm, 140 parking spaces), Sky Tower (83.6m high) and Star Tower (46.1m high). 

Von der Heyden Group sold the sale of Blue Tower at the Bavaria Towers to leading asset manager on the German market Real I.S consortium in February 2020, after having secured long-term lease contracts for the state of the art project. The 18-storey Blue Tower acquired from the Group with co-developers BayernProjekt and co-investors Zurich Gruppe Deutschland, is the second highest tower of the four-part high-rise complex in Einsteinstrasse in Munich with a gross floor area of over 24,000 square meters. The tower has been sold at a record yield of less than 3%, registering the highest rate of return of equity for the Von der Heyden in their A-Class building portfolio. 

The investment was made by Bayerische Versorgungskammer (BVK) fund managed by the largest AIFM in Luxembourg, Universal Investment. Real I.S.’s asset management mandate and purchase transaction included the asset and SPV management of the tower, complete with long-lease tech giant tenants NVIDIA and BayernHeim as well as Golding Capital Partners. The sale was collaborated by Colliers International and law firm Arnecke Sibeth Dabelstein where the parties have agreed not to disclose the acquisition price. 



Investment Value

€ 180 million


December 2018

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